The IP-addressable DCX now enables utilities to quickly and affordably spot-deploy smart grid applications, including load profile and control, power quality monitoring, distribution automation and monitoring, stand-by generator/load control and steam monitoring; and support more homeowner-focused smart metering programs such as demand response, demand-side management and real-time pricing.

The DCX serves as a wireless pipe capable of continuously transmitting and receiving data using any protocol or messaging scheme. Other features and benefits for utilities include low installation costs, multiple meter connectivity, modem flexibility, a wide range of AC input, a weather-proof enclosure, and ANSI lightning- and surge-proof certifications.

“At a time when the Obama administration is calling for nothing less than a complete overhaul of the nation’s electrical grid, this product represents an immediate and affordable way for utilities to begin taking action,” said Stephen Johnston, SmartSynch’s chief executive officer. “Our use of existing public wireless networks enables utilities to strategically deploy our solutions anywhere, in any quantity, and completely avoid building and maintaining a capital- and resource-intensive private network to communicate with their smart grid solutions once deployed.”

SmartSynch Introduces DCX at DistribuTECH 2009

Johnston said SmartSynch customers are already using the DCX to perform a variety smart grid functions, including:

Remotely controlling commercial and industrial customers’ back-up generators during the summer, when load becomes critical, to shave ‘peak’ in real-time and avoid manual site visits to each generator;

Remotely retrieving energy and demand registers, power quality and interval data from residential meters to support demand response, demand-side management, time-of-use pricing and other in-home programs; and

Remotely monitoring steam levels under city streets, by communicating temperature and water-level data from manholes, to prevent steam trap backups.

SmartSynch is a US-based provider of smart metering solutions.