Under $8m infrastructure upgrade project, the company will replace around 2,444ft of natural gas pipeline on Vine Street from Cuerno Lago Way to Ramada Drive. It is near to the Firestone Brewery in the city of Paso Robles.

The project will involve the replacement of a 10-inch natural gas pipeline, which offers services to the customers such as National Guard’s Camp Roberts and Paso Robles Golf Club.

Part of SoCalGas’ pipeline safety enhancement plan, the project will identify various high pressure pipeline sections across SoCalGas’ system and schedules them to be pressure-tested or replaced.

Under five-year capital plan, SoCalGas is planning to invest up to $6bn in infrastructure, including this year’s $1.2bn investment in distribution, transmission and storage systems, as well as for pipeline safety.

SoCalGas has tested and replaced 172 miles of high pressure lines and upgraded or replaced 122 valves, as part of the PSEP program started in 2013.

PSEP also includes provisions to upgrade, replace or retrofit multiple mainline valves in the system, in addition to pipeline testing and replacement.

SoCalGas will use an innovative system to capture methane from the pipeline being replaced, during the pipeline replacement project. PSEP has captured methane on seven different pipeline projects, since launching this system in 2016.

The project is expected to complete in five months based on weather and other factors.

SoCalGas pipeline safety enhancement plan senior director Rick Phillips said: “Thousands of customers will benefit from this investment in our natural gas pipeline system.

“More than 90% of homes in this region use natural gas for heat and hot water and about 60% of all electricity generated in California is made by natural gas-fired power plants.”