The project represents the culmination of a long-term effort on the part of the Ventura County government. Officials within the Ventura county government have been working to bring solar energy to the county’s facilities since January 2008. At the project’s inception, officials believed a PV solar system would serve as a starting point in the county’s transition to alternate energy solutions and a physical expression of its commitment to fiscal and social accountability.

“We have always been interested in renewable energy as a viable economic strategy,” Ventura County Chief Deputy Director GSA Steve Morgan said. “When we began to pursue LEED certification for some of our newer facilities, we became more determined than ever to invest in a solar system that would make economic and environmental sense. This project helps us achieve that goal.”

A team of county personnel was formed in 2008 to research opportunities for a solar energy system. Rather than seeking dedicated funding for a solar project, the team identified a structured financing instrument called a power purchase agreement (PPA) that would allow the county to host the system and purchase the power it produces at a rate that would offer energy savings. Solar Power was able to facilitate the project by introducing Solar Power Partners, Inc. (SPP)to Ventura county. SPP has arranged for financing of the project and will own and operate the solar arrays over the term of a PPA.

The two systems that resulted from the county’s efforts, will be a mix of conventional roof-mount solar and Solar Power’s SkyMount system which enables minimal roof penetrations, optimizes solar module performance, and reduces installation time requirements. SkyMount will be used for more than half of the overall system installations. The installations will incorporate 2,448 of Solar Power’s 205-watt modules.

“It has been especially rewarding to work with the Ventura County officials to develop a solution that will help them attain their energy and cost saving goals. Their unwillingness to abandon this project at a time when forces outside of their control seemed insurmountable is inspirational,” Solar Power’s Commercial Sales Division President Bradley Ferrell said. “Like many local governments across the state of California, Ventura County has initiated a program to adopt solar at many of its operations. We hope to work with County officials on future projects as they continue their migration to solar in other areas of the County’s operations as a cost-saving alternative to traditional utility-sourced electricity,” Ferrell concluded.