“S.A.G. have many years of experience in construction roof-top installations,” says Bernd Gilles, managing director of NBC Franken Solarfonds 1. “Their high level of expertise and ability to provide support throughout the life-cycle of the PV-plants also won us over.” The average capacity of the roof-top installations – which are planned for Ansbach, Augsburg, Bamberg, Ingolstadt, Munich, Nuremberg, Rothenbach, and Würzburg, Germany – will be between 20 and 30 kWp. For this purpose, NBC has leased roof-tops from organizations including the charitable organization Erzdiozese Bamberg e.V. and the housing society of the city of Röthenbach (Pegnitz). Assembly for this extensive project is scheduled to begin in early June, with plants being installed at up to 8 construction sites simultaneously. Project completion is planned for December 2009.
Meteocontrol to handle plant monitoring:
meteocontrol will be responsible for monitoring the plants. With the help of a data logger developed by meteocontrol, the plants will be consolidated to form a virtual power plant in the monitoring portal safer’Sun. This will facilitate the monitoring and analysis of each individual installation, and thus the swift identification and elimination of possible decreases or complete failures in output. Along with plant quality, this is one of the key elements that will enable NBC to achieve its projected returns over the plants’ 20-year lifespan. The safer’Sun portal will also give NBC the ability to analyze all of its plants at once.
“We are pleased with the level of trust NBC has placed in us,” says Oliver Gunther, director sales of sales and distribution at Solarstrom. “This project is a prime example of how S.A.G. provides investors with a high-level value chain.”