The WPA is home to the Defence Department’s weapons testing range, which contains four operating mines.

South Australian Mineral Resources Minister Tom Koutsantonis was quoted by ABC news as saying that the region is significant for mining.

"This is about fast-tracking the discovery of SA’s hidden mineral resources in one of the most prospective regions of the state," Koutsantonis added.

"Our great hope is that exploration will lead to world-class discoveries within the WPA that will join the pipeline of major projects already under development in this state."

According to the minister, the region currently hosts over 150 active exploration licenses, over 80 license applications as well as operating mines including at Cairn Hill, Challenger, Peculiar Knob and Prominent Hill.

South African Premier Jay Weatherill stated, "Mining companies have been waiting for the opportunity to access this area for years and this deed of agreement will finally allow them to move their drills in and begin searching for the minerals we know are there."