
SCE did not disclose the financial terms the deals, which are subject to approval by the California Public Utilities Commission.

The company will purchase 206MW of solar power from Recurrent Energy for 15 years and 51MW from 8minutenergy Renewables for 20 years.

Copper Mountain Solar will sell 94MW of power for 20 years and Tribal Solar will divest 310MW for 20 years.

8minutenergy Renewables and Silver Ridge Power will sell 154MW and 252MW of solar power for 20 years.

SCE will also acquire 247MW of power from Panoche Valley Solar for 20 years.

The deals also include the re-contracting of 225MW with Geysers Power’s geothermal energy project in California.

SCE senior vice president of power supply and operational services Stuart Hemphill said: "SCE is committed to continuing to bring renewable power resources to our customers and helping achieve California’s environmental goals.

"These agreements will help us maintain diversity in our renewable energy portfolio."

SCE delivered 1 billion kWh of solar energy to its customers in 2013 with over 20% of the power coming from renewable sources.

The company serves a population of about 14 million in a 50,000 square mile service area within Central, Coastal, and Southern California.

Image: Southern California Edison signed power purchase contracts for 1.314GW of solar PV. Photo: Courtesy of graur codrin/