The Tamar discovery has proven the hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Levantine basin, an under-explored sedimentary basin situated in the eastern most region of the Mediterranean Sea between Cyprus and the Nile Delta that contains 10,000 meters of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary sequences. A second Noble Energy, Inc. discovery in the Dalit exploration prospect has drawn further attention to the frontier Levantine basin.

Spectrum’s multi-client library in the East Mediterranean includes 22,000 kilometers of modern seismic data much of which is located in the Levantine basin and was acquired in partnership with Fugro. All lines have been reprocessed by Spectrum using Kirchoff Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PSDM) as part of a continual programme to refresh strategic data library components using the best available techniques to improve the quality and definition of imaging.

Charles Harmer, Spectrum’s head of multi-client services commented, “This new data set offers petroleum geologists a more realistic and detailed image of the sub-Messinian Lower Tertiary sequence and has directly led to the recent exciting developments in this area.

David Peace, EastMedCo exploration director commented, “The Spectrum data is of very good quality. Our evaluation has allowed us to confirm the presence of a wide range of structural and stratigraphic play styles in the region, and we have been able to identify a good number of exciting leads around the basin. The data over the Tamar and Dalit discoveries are excellent quality and illustrate an obvious flat spot within the structure”.