The company stated that it has started receiving results from the survey after their post-survey processing.

The present survey concludes the initial geophysical coverage in Quebec and Ontario and will allow the company to establish priorities for the ground follow-up planned to commence in June.

The Western Quebec properties are situated in the Central Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville Province northeast of Montreal, Quebec, where each property is with a well-established graphite occurrence, the company noted.

The four properties Kiamika, Preston, 31 Milles and Notre Dame are located within 90km from Standard Graphite’s flagship Mousseau East property on which an historical non-43-101 compliant resource has been identified.

Standard Graphite president & CEO Chris Bogart said, "We are extremely pleased with these results as Kiamika lies within 32 kilometres of our main Historic Mousseau Deposit on which the company plans extensive development over the coming months."

Initial results for the Kiamika property found that surface occurrences are associated with an extensive conductor that crosses the entire property over a 3.5km strike length.

A second conductor was lying about 750 meters eastward which replicates the first one and expands the overall potential of the project.

Prospectair Geosurveys has now completed an 888 line-kilometer airborne survey to determine the potential of the site and will release the results of the three remaining Western Quebec properties as they become available.