
The company has selected Aibel, Apply Sørco, Reinertsen and Wood Group Mustang Norway to provide the maintenance and modification services for the safe and efficient operation of its installations.

Services will be provided to Statoil’s oil and gas platforms in the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) as well as onshore oil and gas terminals at Sture, Kollsnes and Kårstø, and its liquefied natural gas plant at northern Melkøya.

The company also signed agreements with Aibel, Aker Solutions, Apply Sørco, Reinertsen and Wood Group Mustang Norway, for more complex modification services.

Statoil Norwegian development and production activities operations technology senior vice-president Kjetil Hove said: "These awards will strengthen the NCS competitiveness and stimulate long-term activity and value creation.

"We look forward to cooperating with the suppliers, and jointly achieve lasting and sustainable improvements with regard to efficient production, safe operation and high integrity at our plants."

The six-year contracts have an option for four-year extension. Work under the contracts will commence in the first quarter of 2016.

Statoil procurements senior vice president Jon Arnt Jacobsen said: "The procurement we have made is part of the effort of creating a more competitive industry."

The company has introduced new compensation formats for suppliers in order to support continuous improvements and higher productivity.

Aibel president and CEO Jan Skogseth said: "This is the new working method. Moving forward, we will continue focusing on improvements, for instance through our internal program "Securely, good enough and with the lowest possible price."

Image: Statoil expects the maintenance services to provide safe and efficient operation of its installations. Photo: courtesy of Rune Solheim/Statoil.