The appraisal well was spud in a south-western segment located approximately 5km south-west of the 16/2-6 discovery well and 2.3km south of appraisal well 16/2-11.
The well intersected 30m gross oil column in Upper-Middle Jurassic reservoir rocks, of which 20m were of very good reservoir quality.
The oil and gas company found that the oil and water contact was encountered at the same depth as in the neighboring wells.
Statoil Petroleum Norway Exploration senior vice president Gro Haatvedt said the 2012 appraisal program in the PL265 section of the Johan Sverdrup discovery was satisfactory.
"We have proven new volumes to Johan Sverdrup in the Geitungen segment, and drilled two important appraisal wells in the central and southern parts of the licence," Haatvedt added.
"In 2013 we will continue appraising the discovery, and plan to drill from one to three new wells in PL265."
Statoil is the operator of the production license 265 with 40% interest in it, whereas Petoro, Det norske oljeselskap and Lundin Norway hold 30%, 20% and 10% interests respectively.