US Gulf of Mexico

Statoil announces a small discovery in its Martin prospect located in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). Statoil does not consider this to be a commercial discovery. The well has been drilled efficiently and plug and abandonment operations (P&A) are now ongoing.

Once P&A operations are completed the Maersk Developer rig will move to the impact Perseus prospect in De Soto Canyon (DC) 231.

Angola, Kwanza basin

The Dilolo-1 exploration well in block 39 offshore Angola in the Kwanza basin was drilled to its pre-salt target.

The first drilling operation in block 39 has now been completed. In this first well hydrocarbons were not encountered, but the operation did provide a valuable calibration for other prospects in the area.

Further studies are needed in order to fully understand the well results. The well is now in the process of being plugged and abandoned.

The Stena Carron drillship will soon move to block 38 to spud the exploration well Jacaré-1.The Angolan pre-salt is a frontier play where Statoil will participate in eight commitment wells across five blocks.

Other ongoing activities

Statoil is currently also drilling the Giligiliani well in block 2 in Tanzania and has recently spudded the Romeo prospect near the King Lear discovery in the Norwegian North Sea.

Statoil is also preparing for its 18-month drilling campaign on the east coast of Canada following up the Bay du Nord oil discovery.

The company is also participating in two more wells in the Kwanza basin in Angola. These are the Puma well in block 25 (operated by Total) and the Locosso well in block 22 (operated by Repsol).

In Brazil, the Repsol-operated Seat-2 well in block BM-C-33 in the Campos basin is currently being drill stem tested (DST) after encountering a pre-salt hydrocarbon-bearing section.

Ownership overview:

Statoil is the operator (42.5%) of Martin, and its partners include Nexen (25%) and LLOG (26%).

In Angola on block 39, Statoil is the operator (37.5%), and its partners include Total (7.5%), WRG (15%), Ecopetrol (10%) and Sonangol P&P (30%).

In block 38 Statoil is the operator (45%), with WRG (15%), Ecopetrol (10%) and Sonangol P&P (30%) as partners*.

* The Ecopetrol farm-in is subject to approval by Sonangol E&P and the Angolan minister of petroleum.