gas processing plant

The firm said that the pressure has started falling at the Statpipe facility of the processing plant. Work is currently in progress on depressurising the facility.

Cause of the incident is yet to be been identified.

In addition to notifying emergency services and authorities about the situation, Statoil established an emergency response unit to manage the gas leakage.

The company would be in contact with the emergency services and other relevant authorities to mobilize resources in order to address the situation.

Located 30km north of Stavanger in Norway, the Karsto complex processes gas from central parts of the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), including from the Asgard and Mikkel fields, and unstabilised condensate from the Sleipner area of the North Sea.

The gas is supplied to the plant through the Statpipe and Asgard Transport pipelines.

Operated by Norwegian state-owned Gassco , the plant is owned by the Gassled, a joint venture of 11 oil and gas companies on the NCS.

Commissioned in June 1985, the plant produced first dry gas and transported via pipeline to Emden in Germany same year.

Image: Kårstø processing facility located in Norway. Photo: courtesy of ABB.