This is the first well in the block, in which Sterling holds a 25% interest and Wintershall, the operator holds 75%. The Blakeney prospect is approximately 10km southwest of Sterling’s Sheryl discovery in Block 21/23a in which the company holds a 35% interest.

The JW McLean rig is now on location at the Cladhan discovery well on Block 210/29a-4 where operations will start on a sidetrack to delineate the oil discovery made by Sterling (operator, 39.9%) in December of 2008. Partners are Wintershall with a 33.5% interest, Encore with a 16.6% interest and Dyas with a 10% interest.

Drilling has been completed at the Macanta prospect in Block 42/14, a satellite location approximately 13km east of the main Breagh field and planned platform location. Drilled to a measured depth of 8,937ft, the well encountered wet sands at a deeper level than anticipated and the well is planned to be plugged and abandoned.