Studsvik UK’s president Sam Usher said “Regretfully I can confirm that 15 workers are being made redundant as a result of the completion of our contract for decommissioning B204.”

“Any job losses are regrettable for the people involved and the organisation as a whole. This was a painful decision to make,” said Mr Usher, adding: “I would like to thank the workers for all their efforts for Studsvik and wish them well for the future. The positive news is that we have created up to 30 jobs at our new metal recycling facility (MRF) at Lillyhall.

Studsvik says MRF will decontaminate and recycle contaminated scrap metal from nuclear plants in the UK when it begins work in the next few weeks.

More job opportunities were predicted as about 500,000 tons of scrap metal is suitable for recycling.