The consortium has a 40% stake in the project, with the remainder split between state-owned Qatar Petroleum and Qatar Electricity and Water.

Suez said that Ras Laffan C will be the largest power and water plant in the country, providing 2,730MW of electricity and more than 286,000 cubic meters of desalinated water per day.

The total investment cost is expected to be over $3.7 billion. The electricity and water will be sold through a 25-year power and water prchase agreement with Qatar’s national electricity and water company, Kahramaa. Total projected revenues over 27 years are expected to be around $22.7 billion.

Ras Laffan C is expected to be operational by April 2011 with an early power and water phase by May 2010. Suez noted that the selected power and water technology will offer a highly efficient distillation and electricity production process, optimizing natural gas consumption at low emissions.