
The partners have revealed an estimated $165m funding commitment to sanction the construction of a water technology development centre (WTDC), which is planned to be located at Suncor’s Firebag facility in Canada.

The aim of the WTDC is to reduce the timeframe required to develop and commercialize new technologies, as well as improve existing technologies.

It will be developed as a joint industry project under Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA), with testing due to start by early 2017.

Apart from Suncor, the other partner firms in the project include Canadian Natural Resources, Devon Canada, Nexen Energy, Shell Canada Energy and Husky Oil Operations.

Suncor, which will build, own and operate the center, will work with the other partners on design, construction and operations including specific tests.

The company said the facility is anticipated to provide industry with the opportunity to develop new ways of approaching water treatment and recycling.

Suncor Energy president and chief executive officer Steve Williams said the WTDC will help accelerate the pace of innovation and collaboratively manage the risks and costs of technology development.

"We expect to see strong benefits by conducting different tests simultaneously, using process fluids in real world conditions to pilot new technologies and prove their commercial viability," Williams added.

Image: Suncor will build, own and operate the Water Technology Development Centre. Photo: Courtesy of sakhorn38/FreeDigitalPhotos.net.