No one at the university, nor any engineers, any physicists, or anyone related with testing presently own any stock in Sustainable Power, nor will anyone including the university be remunerated in any form of stock or equity for their testing and research.

The final stage of the testing process will have an independent report written assessing and explaining the technology without any interference or input by the company.

“We wanted to make it clear to all observing the SSTP Process that the university and its staff are totally independent and have no vested interest in the results, other than the potential worldwide notoriety gained from the authentication and validation of a groundbreaking green energy process,” said M. Richard Cutler, president and chief executive officer (CEO) of the company. “One of my first priorities when I was appointed President and CEO of SSTP was to establish world-renowned credibility for the SSTP process through third-party research, testing and validation by a credible university. I can also advise that we are not disclosing the name of the University at this time because we do not want their testing to be compromised by investor or other inquiries.”

“We intend to consolidate the reporting data and present updates as we deem them pertinent over the coming weeks and months. Shareholders and the investment community should be aware that a very well-respected, highly-acclaimed university, such as the one conducting the testing on the SSTP process, would not embark on testing of this magnitude if they did not feel that there was the potential basis for confirming SSTP’s breakthrough technology,” added Cutler.