The company said that its T3 i-Series is designed for international markets and has been deployed in the Middle East, Europe and Australia. The zero gas emission T3 i-Series vehicles make its debut in New Zealand by first being deployed at the Albany Campus of Massey University (north of Auckland).

Sanzi Imports is anticipating the T3 i-Series clean energy vehicles will receive wide publicity at this launch in New Zealand through the national and international TV and news media.

Chris Stiebel, director of Sanzi Imports, said: “Clean technology and increased security capabilities are important to the New Zealand market. The T3 i-Series is designed for law enforcement and security agencies aiming to increase their presence, while simultaneously reducing their costs.

”The opportunity to deploy the first electric T3s in a college campus setting is ideal. It’s thrilling to know that the T3 i-Series will be an integral part of the public safety operations for the Prime Minister’s visit.”

Ki Nam, CEO of T3 Motion, said: “Our T3 i-Series ESVs are built for international public safety operations worldwide. Through our relationship with Sanzi, we look forward to bringing cost-effective, zero gas emission clean energy vehicles to New Zealand.

”The international market interest in our T3 i-Series alternative energy vehicles continues to substantiate how important our T3 Motion technology has become to the world of public safety and security.”