Designed to provide reliable systemwide coverage over widespread and challenging terrain, the new wireless network solution can effectively extend the PLC life with a cost-effective migration option for North American utilities.

Illinois Rural Electric Cooperative (IREC) engineering manager Sean Middleton said: "As a cooperative utility, finding an affordable AMR to AMI option like TUNet that reliably delivers real-time information in support of advanced applications has been the key for us to address rising peak demand and ultimately, keep rates low for our members."

Tantalus president and CEO Peter Londa said: "In 2014, Tantalus welcomed 17 new rural electric cooperatives and municipal utilities to our customer base of over 75 public power utilities.

"Our close partnering relationship and focus on public power affords us a unique opportunity to ‘think like a utility’ as we deliver long-term value to our customers through the thoughtful application of technology that addresses specific utility business needs."

Separately, the company is scheduled to demonstrate its AMR-to-AMI overlay capability at the nation’s largest technology event for electric cooperative utilities, known as TechAdvantage.