Telvent will pair its solutions with Esri South Asia and Microsoft platforms, which will enable SPPG to reduce service disruptions and associated costs caused by power outages.

SPPG will integrate Telvent’s responder outage management system (OMS) with its ArcFM Enterprise GIS, helping the utility to sustain its excellent system average interruption duration index record, and manage its daily operations for the energy utilities network.

The OMS solution is built upon the Microsoft platform, using Microsoft SQL Server and the Windows 7 operating system to provide seamless integration, low cost of ownership, tighter security and increased productivity.

SPPG will utilize Telvent’s ArcFM Enterprise GIS solution and Esri’s ArcGIS platform, which features Esri Australia’s geographic web applications server, Dekho, to create an interactive map of its electrical grid containing real-time information.

Esri Australia is an associate company of Esri South Asia.

The solution enables the utility to respond more rapidly and accurately to power outages and maintenance issues.