Jaworzno, power distribution cables

Poludniowy Koncern Weglowy S.A. wishes to receive tenders for power distribution cables. Requests to participate, in Polish, are requested by 25 January 2010. For further information contact:

Andrzej Pajak

Poludniowy Koncern Weglowy S.A.

ul. Grunwaldzka 37

43-600 Jaworzno


Tel +48 326185431

Fax +48 326150862

E-mail: andrzej.pajak@pkwsa.pl

Poznan, transformers

ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o. has issued a request for tenders for transformers. Requests to participate must be drawn up in Polish and sent to reach the company by 25 January 2010. For further information contact:

Mariusz Gronski

Departament Infrastruktury Sieciowej

ENEA Operator Sp. z o.o.

ul. Strzeszyn’ska 58

PL-60-479 Poznan


Tel +48 618561219

Fax +48 618504427

E-mail: mariusz.gronski@operator.enea.pl

Almazora, electricity distribution

Ayuntamiento Almazora wishes to receive tenders for electricity distribution. Expressions of interest, in Spanish, should be registered by 25 January 2010. For further information contact:


Ayuntamiento Almazora

Plaza Pedro Cornell, 1

(Castellón de la Plana)

E-12550 Almazora


Tel +34 964560001

Fax +34 964563051

E-mail: secretaria@almassora.es

URL: http://www.almassora.es

Clamart, distribution equipment

AP-HP – Antoine Béclère has issued a request for tenders for distribution equipment. Documents should be prepared in French and requests to participate should reach the company by 27 January 2010. For further information contact:

Benanteur Younes

direction de l’investissement

des achats et de la logistique – secrétariat DIAL

AP-HP – Antoine Béclère

157 rue de la Porte de Trivaux

F-92141 Clamart


Tel +33 145374213

Fax +33 145374925

Vienna, electricity distribution and control apparatus

WIENSTROM GmbH wishes to receive tenders for electricity distribution and control apparatus. Documents expressing interest, in German, should reach the company by 28 January 2010. For further information contact:

Richard Nemec


Mariannengasse 4-6

1095 Wien


Tel +43 14004-35545

Fax +43 14004-35539

E-mail: richard.nemec@wienstrom.at

Fredericia, gas insulated switchgear

Energinet.dk seeks tenders for 245kV gas insulated switchgear. Expressions of interest, in Danish or English, should be registered by 29 January 2010. For further information contact:

Michael Rabeck Lassen


Tonne Kjærsvej 65

7000 Fredericia


Tel +45 70102244

Fax +45 76245180

E-mail: indkob@energinet.dk

Gdansk, transformers

Energa – Operator SA z siedziba w Gdansku, Oddzial w Gdansku is seeking tenders for transformers and transformer installation services. Expressions of interest, in Polish, should be with the company by 1 February 2010. For further information contact:

Marzena Malinowska

Wydzial Zamówien i Przetargów

Energa – Operator SA z siedziba w Gdansku, Oddzial w Gdansku

ul. Marynarki Polskiej 130

80-557 Gdansk


Tel +48 583473276

Fax +48 583473701

E-mail: marzena.malinowska@energa.pl

Rogowiec, generator repair and maintenance

PGE Elektrownia Belchatów S.A. wishes to receive tenders for the repair and maintenance of generators. Expressions of interest should be drawn up in Polish. For further information contact:

Rafal Paras

PGE Elektrownia Belchatów S.A.

ul. Energetyczna 7

97-406 Rogowiec


Tel +48 447354447

Fax +48 447351232

E-mail: rafal.paras@elb.pl

Frankfurt am Main, generating sets

Deutsche Bahn AG is seeking tenders for generator sets. For further information contact:

Herrn Schmidt

DB Energie GmbH

Pfarrer-Perabo-Platz 2

D-60326 Frankfurt am Main


Tel +49 6926523357

URL: http://www.db.de

Frankfurt am Main, regenrative power supply

Kovachevo, steam generator components

“TETs Maritsa iztok 2” EAD has issued a request for tenders for parts of steam generators. Requests to participate should be registered by 9 February 2009. For further information contact:

Zhelyazko Dzhevlekov or Tatyana Tatarova

“TETs Maritsa iztok 2” EAD

Konstruktovno-tehnologichen otdel

Targovski otdel

Obl. Starozagorska

BG-6265 Kovachevo


Tel +359 42662428 / 42662910

Fax +359 42662507

E-mail: to_tatarova@tpp2.com

Heidelberg, transformers

Stadtwerke Heidelberg GmbH auf Rechnung der Stadtwerke Heidelberg Netze GmbH is seeking tenders for transformers. For further information contact:

Christian Pyka

Stadtwerke Heidelberg GmbH auf Rechnung der Stadtwerke Heidelberg Netze GmbH

Kurfürsten Anlage 42-50

D-69115 Heidelberg


Tel +49 62215134356

Fax +49 62215133330

E-mail: christian.pyka@swhd.de

Nürnberg, isolating switches

Stadt Nürnberg is seeking tenders for isolating switches. Expressions of interest should be prepared in German and be registered with the company by 11 February 2010. For further information contact:

Hrn. Regn

Stadt Nürnberg


Karl-Bröger-Straße 9

D-90459 Nürnberg


Tel +49 911231-4498

Fax +49 911231-4978

E-mail: ub2em@stadt.nuernberg.de

Nürnberg, medium voltage equipment and transformers

Stadt Nürnberg has issued a request for tenders for medium voltage equipment and transformers. Expressions of interest should be prepared in German and be registered with the company by 11 February 2010. For further information contact:

Hrn. Regn

Stadt Nürnberg


Karl-Bröger-Straße 9

D-90459 Nürnberg


Tel +49 911231-4498

Fax +49 911231-4978

E-mail: ub2em@stadt.nuernberg.de

Aalborg, transformers

Aalborg Kommune is seeking tenders for transformers. Requests to participate must be drawn up in Danish and should reach the company by 29 February 2010. For further information contact:

Jørn Lind

Aalborg Kommune


Lager- og Indkøbskontoret

Hjulmagervej 24

DK-9100 Aalborg


Tel +45 99314681

Fax +45 98121233

E-mail: udbud@aalborg.dk

Rouen, transformers

EDF – direction des achats – ARAP Nord Ouest has issued a request for tenders for transformers. For further information contact:

Emmanuel Piquiot

EDF – direction des achats – ARAP Nord Ouest

26 place Henri Gadeau de Kerville

F-76175 Rouen


Tel +33 232183578

E-mail: emmanuel.piquiot@edf.fr

Carloforte, wind energy generators

Comune di Carloforte is seeking tenders for wind energy generators. Requests to participate, in Italian, should reach the company by 19 February 2010. For further information contact:

Battista Boccone

Comune di Carloforte

via Garibaldi, 72

I-09014 Carloforte


Tel +39 07818589229/31/34/35

Fax +39 0781855808

E-mail: b.boccone@comune.carloforte.ca.it

URL: http://www.comune.carloforte.ca.it

Puchaczow, switch disconnector

Lubelski Wegiel Bogdanka SA w Bogdance wishes to receive tenders for a switch disconnector. Expressions of interest should be prepared in Polish and registered by 22 January 2010. For further information contact:

Dariusz Stawowy

Lubelski Wegiel Bogdanka SA w Bogdance


PL-21-013 Puchaczów


Tel +48 814625548

Fax +48 814625647

E-mail: dstawowy@lw.com.pl

URL: www.lw.com.pl

Tychy, electricity distribution

Prezydent Miasta Tychy is soliciting tenders for electricity distribution and related services. Expressions of interest, in Polish, should reach the company by 22 January 2010. For further information contact:

Jan Cofaa

Prezydent Miasta Tychy

al. Niepodlegosci 49

PL-43-100 Tychy


Tel +48 327763807

Fax +48 327763838

E-mail: zamowienia@umtychy.pl

Bratislava, emergency generator

Národná dialnicná spolocnost, a.s. has issued a request for tenders for emergency generators and for transformer and distribution equipment installation. Documents are requested in Slovak. Requests to participate should reach the company by 4 February 2010. For further information contact:

Anna Pivarciová

Národná dialnicná spolocnost, a.s.

Mlynské Nivy 45

SK-821 09 Bratislava


Tel +421 258311120

Fax +421 258311701

E-mail: anna.pivarciova@ndsas.sk

Melle, insulated cable

Eandis cvba is seeking tenders for insulated wire and cable. Requests to participate, in Dutch, should be with the company by 20 January 2010. For further information contact:

Dorina Van Heesvelde

Eandis cvba

Brusselsesteenweg 199

B-9090 Melle


Tel +32 92634864

Fax +32 92634748

E-mail: dorina.vanheesvelde@eandis.be

Flintbek, electricity distribution

Gemeinde Flintbek, Der Bürgermeister is seeking tenders for electricity distribution and related services. Requests to participate should be drawn up in German and sent to reach the company by 1 March 2010. For further information contact:

Herrn Voß

Gemeinde Flintbek, Der Bürgermeister

Heitmannskamp 2

D-24220 Flintbek


Tel +49 434790521

Fax +49 434790550

E-mail: Vergabestelle@Flintbek.de

Cologne, electricity distribution

WDR Gebäudemanagement GmbH has asked for tenders for electricity distribution. Interested parties must prepare documents in German for registration with the company by 8 February 2010. For further information contact:

Martin Pietsch

VEA Beratungs-GmbH

Zeißstraße 72

D-30519 Hannover


Fax +49 5119848-288

E-mail: info@vea-online.de

URL: http://www.vea-online.de

La Roche-sur-Yon, distribution transformers

Syndicat départemental d’énergie is seeking tenders for distribution transformers and transformer repair and maintenance services. The company has requested that requests to participate should be drawn up in French and registered with the company by 26 January 2010. For further information contact:

François Durand

Syndicat départemental d’énergie

3 rue du Marechal Juin

F-85036 La Roche-sur-Yon


Tel +33 251458830

Fax +33 251458899

E-mail: f.durand@sydev-vendee.fr

Athens, liquid dielectric transformers

Dimosia Epicheirysi Ilektrismoy A.E., Dieythynsi Ylikoy & Promitheion Metaforas is soliciting tenders for liquid dielectric transformers. Requests to participate, in Greek or English, must reach the company by 9 February 2010. For further information contact:

P. Papageorgopoylos

Dimosia Epicheirysi Ilektrismoy A.E., Dieythynsi Ylikoy & Promitheion Metaforas

Dyrrachioy 89 & Kifisoy

GR-104 43 Athina


Tel +30 2105192379

Fax +30 2105192326

E-mail: dypm@dei.gr

Linkebeek, nuclear reactor coolant pump maintenance

Electrabel NV/SA is seeking tenders from companies to carry out online and offline servicing of reactor coolant pumps of Belgian NPPs. Expressions of interest may be prepared in English, French or Dutch and should reach the company by 31 January 2010. For further information contact:?

Eric Hertel

Electrabel BUG

Rodestraat 125

B-1630 Linkebeek


Tel +32 475649953

E-mail: eric.hertel@electrabel.com

URL: www.electrabel.com

Oviedo, electricity power lines

Consejería de Economía y Hacienda is seeking tenders for electricity power lines. For further information contact:

Consejería de Economía y Hacienda

Hermanos Menéndez Pidal 7-9

E-33005 Oviedo


Tel +34 985105465

Fax +34 985105843

E-mail: martadiazescotet@asturias.org

Meudon, power converters

CNRS direction déléguée aux achats is soliciting tenders for power converters. Expressions of interest, in French, should be lodged with the organization by 29 January 2010. For further information contact:

Mme Masha Albertini or Mme Sophie Goguelet

CNRS direction déléguée aux achats

1 place Aristide Briand

F-92195 Meudon Cedex


Tel +33 145075052

Fax +33 145075099

E-mail: marches-dda@cnrs-dir.fr

Rennes, electricity distribution and control apparatus

Ville de Rennes has issued a request for tenders for electricity distribution and control apparatus. Requests to participate, in French, should be sent to reach the ville by 9 February 2010. For further information contact:

Mme Tourret

Direction des bâtiments communaux – service maintenance régie

40 rue Jean-Marie Huchet

F-35000 Rennes


Tel +33 223621132

Fax +33 223621809

E-mail: smp-pro@ville-rennes.fr

Eresos, power plant operation

Dimos Eresoy – Antissis wishes to receive tenders from companies for operation of a power plant. Requests to participate, in Greek, should be registered by 16 February 2010. For further information contact:

Theodoris Konstantinos

Dimos Eresoy – Antissis


GR-811 05 Eresos


Tel +30 2253350117

Fax +30 2253052066

E-mail: dimer-an@otenet.gr

Budapest, electricity distribution and control apparatus

Budapesti Elektromos Muevek Nyrt is seeking tenders for electricity distribution and control apparatus. Requests to participate must be submitted in Hungarian by 19 January 2010. For further information contact:

Virág György Norbert

Budapesti Elektromos Muevek Nyrt

Váci út 72-74

HU-1132 Budapest


Tel +36 12382206

Fax +36 12382920

E-mail: gyorgy.virag@elmu.hu

Rovereto, generating sets

Dolomiti Energia S.p.a. is soliciting tenders for generating sets. Requests to participate should be drawn up in Italian and be with the company by 1 February 2010. For further information contact:

Fabrizio Trentin or Giovanna Gori

Dolomiti Energia S.p.a.

Via Manzoni 24

I-38068 Rovereto


Tel +39 0464456111

Fax +39 0464456222

E-mail: approvvigionamenti@dolomitienergia.it

Cologne, electricity distribution

Einkaufsgemeinschaft Kommunaler Krankenhäuser eG im Deutschen Städtetag would like to receive tenders for electricity distribution. Expressions of interest, in German, must reach the company by 2 February 2010. For further information contact:

Bettina Schmitz

Einkaufsgemeinschaft Kommunaler Krankenhäuser eG im Deutschen Städtetag

Lindenallee 11

D-50968 Köln


E-mail: schmitz@ekkeg.de

Moita, generating units

AMARSUL – Valorização e Tratamento de Residuos Sólidos SA has issued a request for tenders for generating units. Requests to participate, in Portuguese, should be sent to reach the company by 3 February 2010. For further information contact:

Luis Santos

AMARSUL – Valorização e Tratamento de Residuos Sólidos SA

Ecoparque de Palmela

Estrada Luis de Camões, Apartado 117

EC da Moita




Tel +351 212396000

Fax +351 212396099

E-mail: geral@amarsul.pt

Eskilstuna, heat exchange units

Eskilstuna Energi & Miljö AB wishes to receive tenders for heat exchange units, boiler components and for power plant operation. Companies interested in tendering should prepare an expression of interest in Swedish which must reach the company by 1 February 2010. For further information contact:

Åsa Wollin

Eskilstuna Energi & Miljö AB

Kungsgatan 86

S-631 86 Eskilstuna


Tel +46 167101793

E-mail: asa.wollin@eem.se?

Damascus, combined cycle power plant

The Syrian Public Establishment of Electricity for Generation and Transmission is seeking tenders from companies to extend the Al-Nasserieh power station with the addition of combined cycle power station with a capacity of 300-500MW. The organisation is applying for financing from the European Investment Bank. Requests to participate should be received by 31 March 2010. For further information contact:

Public Establishment of Electricity for Generation and Transmission

Contracts Department


P O Box 3386



Tel: +963 1121297975 / 112119934

Fax: +963 112229062

Telex: 411056 SY

Bayeruth, distribution and control apparatus

Transpower Offshore GmbH is soliciting tenders for distribution and control apparatus, generators, transformers and high voltage cable. Expressions of interest should be registered, in German or English, by 25 January 2010. For further information contact:

Tim Braue

Transpower Offshore GmbH

Bernecker Straße 70

95448 Bayreuth


Tel +49 921915-4455

Fax +49 921915-4452

E-mail: tim.braue@transpower.de

Erlangen, distribution and control apparatus

Erlanger Stadtwerke AG wishes to receive tenders for electricity distribution and control apparatus. Requests to participate should be prepared in German and must reach the company by 18 January 2010. For further information contact:

Hrn Lechermeier

IBL Ingenieur-Büro Lechermeier

Neuklappl 2

93142 Maxhütte-Haidhof


Tel +49 94716028365

Fax +49 94716028366

E-mail: info@ibl-lechermeier.de

URL: www.ibl-lechermeier.de

Friedberg, medium voltage equipment

Hessisches Baumanagement (HBM), Regionalniederlassung MitteVergabebereich Friedberg is seeking tenders for medium voltage equipment. Expresssions of interest, in German, should reach the company by 11 February 2010. For further information contact:

Hessisches Baumanagement (HBM), Regionalniederlassung MitteVergabebereich Friedberg


61169 Friedberg


Tel +49 6031167-0

Fax +49 6031167-126

E-mail: info.vergabe-FB@hbm.hessen.de

Karlsruhe, switchgear

EnBW Systeme Infrastruktur Support GmbH wishes to receive tenders for switchgear. Documents should be drawn up in German or English for registration with the company by 22 January 2010. For further information contact:

Andreas Hettich

EnBW Regional AG


Kriegsbergstr. 32

70173 Stuttgart


Tel +49 711128-3006

E-mail: a.hettich@enbw.com

URL: http://www.enbw.com

Stuttgart, wind turbines

EnBW Systeme Infrastruktur Support GmbH has issued a request for tenders for wind turbines. For further information contact:

Florian Hennies

EnBW Systeme Infrastruktur Support GmbH

Einkauf und Logistik Schelmenwasenstraße 13 – 15

70567 Stuttgart


Tel +49 711289-88221

Fax +49 721914-20501

E-mail: f.hennies@enbw.com

Bialystok, generators

Wodociagi Bialostockie Sp. z o.o. w Bialymstoku is seeking tenders for generators. Requests to participate, in Polish, are requested before 29 January 2010. For further information contact:

Malgorzata Kajurek

Wodociagi Bialostockie Sp. z o.o. w Bialymstoku

ul. Mlynowa 52/1

15-404 Bialystok


Tel +48 857458144

Fax +48 857458113

E-mail: mkajurek@wobi.pl

Stockholm, power transformers

Fortum Distribution AB seeks tenders for power transformers. Expresssions of interest are requested, in Swedish or English, by 26 January 2010. For further information contact:

Peter Vilhelmsson

Fortum Distribution AB

Hangövägen 19

SE-115 77 Stockholm


Tel +46 86717541

E-mail: peter.vilhelmsson@fortum.com

Belfast, generating sets

Northern Ireland Electricity plc is seeking tenders for the hire and maintenance of mobile and static generating sets. Expresssions of interest should be drawn up in English and sent to reach the company by 25 January 2010. For further information contact:

Philip Allen – Procurement Services

Northern Ireland Electricity plc

Fortwilliam House

Edgewater Office Park

Edgewater Road

Belfast BT3 9JQ

United Kingdom

Tel +44 2890954385

Fax +44 2890954327

E-mail: philip.allen@nie.co.uk

Koebenhavn, steam turbine generator sets

Mærsk Olie og Gas AS is seeking tenders for the supply of steam turbine generator sets of between 1MW and 25MW to be used for oil and gas exploration. For further information contact:

Finn Schweitz

Mærsk Olie og Gas AS

Esplanaden 50

1263 København


Tel +45 79111355

Fax +45 79111455

E-mail: fsc@maerskoil.dk

Koebenhavn, low voltage switchgear

Mærsk Olie og Gas AS is seeking tenders for contracts to undertake the design, fabrication and testing of 400 V and 3 kV/6 kV equipment for distribution of approx. 12-MW power on an offshore platform. For further information contact:

Finn Schweitz

Mærsk Olie og Gas AS

Esplanaden 50

1263 København


Tel +45 79111355

Fax +45 79111455

E-mail: fsc@maerskoil.dk

Koebenhavn, low voltage transformers

Mærsk Olie og Gas AS is seeking tenders for contracts to undertake the design, fabrication and testing of 3/0.4 kV, 6./0.4 kV, 6/3 kV cast resin power transformers for an offshore platform with an approximate size of from 800kVA up to 5000kVA. The units will be located in pressurized unclassified area.. For further information contact:

Finn Schweitz

Mærsk Olie og Gas AS

Esplanaden 50

1263 København


Tel +45 79111355

Fax +45 79111455

E-mail: fsc@maerskoil.dk

Koebenhavn, gas turbine generator sets

Mærsk Olie og Gas AS is seeking tenders for the supply of gas turbine generator sets of between 1MW and 25MW to be used for oil and gas exploration. For further information contact:

Finn Schweitz

Mærsk Olie og Gas AS

Esplanaden 50

1263 København


Tel +45 79111355

Fax +45 79111455

E-mail: fsc@maerskoil.dk

Wasquehal, transformer repair and maintenance

Noréade has issued a request for tenders for the installation, repair and maintenance of transformers. Expressions of interest, in French, should reach the company by 15 February 2010. For further information contact:

M. le directeur général


23 avenue de la Marne

BP 101

59443 Wasquehal Cedex


Tel +33 320664306

Fax +33 320664444

Rome, cooling towers

Enel SpA is seeking tenders for cooling towers. For further information contact:

Enel S.p.A.

Enel Servizi S.r.l. – Direzione Operativa Acquisti – Strategie

Controllo e Processi di Approvvigionamento – Area Qualificazione

Viale Regina Margherita, 137

00198 Roma


Tel +39 0683055500

Fax +39 0664445108

E-mail: qualificazione@enel.it

Rome, switching and protection equipment

Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.P.A. has issued a request for tenders for electrical apparatus for siwtching ar protecting electricial circuits. For further information contact:

Giuseppina Colonna

Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.P.A.

Via dello Scalo Prenestino, 25

00159 Roma


Tel +39 0647308874

Fax +39 0647308843

E-mail: g.colonna@rfi.it

Rome, electricial relays

Enel SpA is seeking tenders for electrical relays. For further information contact:

Enel S.p.A.

Enel Servizi S.r.l. – Direzione Operativa Acquisti – Strategie

Controllo e Processi di Approvvigionamento – Area Qualificazione

Viale Regina Margherita, 137

00198 Roma


Tel +39 0683055500

Fax +39 0664445108

E-mail: qualificazione@enel.it

Rome, substation equipment

Enel SpA is seeking tenders for substation equipment. For further information contact:

Enel S.p.A.

Enel Servizi S.r.l. – Direzione Operativa Acquisti – Strategie

Controllo e Processi di Approvvigionamento – Area Qualificazione

Viale Regina Margherita, 137

00198 Roma


Tel +39 0683055500

Fax +39 0664445108

E-mail: qualificazione@enel.it

Rome, emergency power systems

Enel SpA is seeking tenders for emergency power systems. For further information contact:

Enel S.p.A.

Enel Servizi S.r.l. – Direzione Operativa Acquisti – Strategie

Controllo e Processi di Approvvigionamento – Area Qualificazione

Viale Regina Margherita, 137

00198 Roma


Tel +39 0683055500

Fax +39 0664445108

E-mail: qualificazione@enel.it

Lübeck, switchgear

Stadwerke Lübeck GmbH is seeking tenders for switchgear. For further information contact:

Andreas Gieseler

Stadwerke Lübeck GmbH

Moislinger Allee 9

23547 Lübeck


Tel +49 451888-1424

Fax +49 451888-1413

E-mail: andreas.gieseler@sw-luebeck.de

Bilbao, distribution and control apparatus

Ente Público Euskal Trenbide Sarea wishes to receive tenders for electricity distribution and control apparatus, generators, transformers, cable and installation services. Expressions of interest in Spanish or the Basque language, Euskera, must reach the company by 17 February 2010. For further information contact:

Arantza Diaz de Cerio García

Ente Público Euskal Trenbide Sarea

C/Santiago de Compostela nº 12 5º

48003 Bilbao


Tel +34 946572600

Fax +34 946572601

E-mail: ets@ets-rfv.es

Palma de Mallorca, generating sets

Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca would like to receive tenders for generating sets and generator set maintenance and repair services. Expressions of interest, in Spanish or Catalan, should reach the company by 25 March 2010. For further information contact:

Servicios Jurídicos y de Contratación

Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca

Passatge Cala Figuera, 6

07009 Palma de Mallorca


Tel +34 871930000

Fax +34 871930003

E-mail: mserralta@trensfm.com

Pecs, electricity supply installations

Vám-és Pénzügyorség Dél-Dunántúli Regionális Parancsnoksága is soliciting tenders for electricity supply installations. Requests to participate in Hungarian should reach the company by 22 February 2010. For further information contact:

Vám- és Pénzügyorség Dél-Dunántúli Regionális Parancsnoksága

Munkácsy M. u. 6.

7621 Pécs


Tel +36 72522000

Fax +36 72215227

E-mail: vpddrp@vam.gov.hu

Zwolle, switchgear installations

Enexis B.V. seeks tenders for switchgear installations in the range 630kVA to 20MVA. Expressions of interest, prepared in Dutch or English, should be with the company by 1 February 2010. For further information contact:

Alexander Medema

Enexis B.V.

Marsweg 5

8013 PD Zwolle

The Netherlands

Tel +31 646745164

E-mail: alexander.medema@enexis.nl

Prague, generators

Ceská republika – Ministerstvo vnitra wishes to receive tenders for generators. Requests to participate, in Czech, must be registered with the ministey by 8 February 2009. For further information contact:

Stanislava Loskota

Policejní prezidium CR

Ceská republika – Ministerstvo vnitra

Ministerstvo vnitra CR

Pelléova 21

160 41 Praha 6

The Czech Republic

Tel +420 974835653

Fax +420 974835643

E-mail: ovzpp@mvcr.cz

Alcobendas, electricial apparatus

Red Eléctrica de España is seeking tenders to supply high voltage cable, uninterruptible power supplies, voltage control systems, transformers, switching and protection equipment and capacitor banks. For further information contact:

Javier Tobaruela Delgado

Red Eléctrica de España

S.A.U., Paseo del Conde de los Gaitanes, 177

28109 Alcobendas


Tel +34 916502012Fax +34 916504542

E-mail: AREAAPI@ree.es

Bucharest, generators and transformers

Compania Nationala de Transport al Energiei Electrice “Transelectrica” S.A. has issued a request for tenders for generators, transformers and isolating switches. Requests to participate, in Romanian, should arrive by 1 March 2010. For further information contact:

Dan Popa Nimigean

Compania Nationala de Transport al Energiei Electrice “Transelectrica” S.A.

b-dul g-ral Gheorghe Magheru, nr. 33, sector 1

010325 Bucuresti


Tel +40 213035912

Fax +40 213069945.

E-mail: dan.popa@transelectrica.ro

Brunswick, transformers

E.ON Avacon AG seeks tenders for transformers. For further information contact:

Achim Hübner

E.ON Avacon AG

Taubenstraße 7

38106 Braunschweig


Tel +49 531390935827

Fax +49 5313909835827

E-mail: achim.huebner@eon-avacon.com

Noisy-le-Grand, generating sets

EDF – direction des achats – ANAP seeks tenders for generating sets. For further information contact:

Jean-Luc Berger

EDF – direction des achats – ANAP

06 avenue Montaigne

93192 Noisy-le-Grand Cedex

Tel +33 149327210

Fax +33 143052336

E-mail: jean-luc.berger@edf.fr

Belchatow, power distribution cables

PGE Elektrownia Belchatów S.A. is soliciting tenders for power distribution cables. Documents shoiuld be prepared in Polish. For further information contact:

Marcin Sagan

PGE Elektrownia Belchatów S.A.

Rogowiec, ul. Energetyczna 7

97-406 Be?chatów 5


Tel +48 447351080

Fax +48 447351080

E-mail: Marcin.Sagan@elb.pl

Graz, distribution and control apparatus

STEWEAG-STEG GmbH is seeking tenders for electricity distribution and control apparatus. Expressions on interest, in German, should reach the company by 22 October 2010. For further information contact:

Dorothea Rath


Leonhardgürtel 10

8010 Graz


Tel +43 3169000-54219

Fax +43 3169000-22939

E-mail: beschaffung@e-steiermark.com

Berlin, distribution and control apparatus

Vattenfall Europe Netzservice GmbH would like to solicit tenders for electricity distribution and control apparatus, substation construction and transformer installation. For further information contact:

Stefan Riese

Vattenfall Europe Netzservice GmbH

Puschkinallee 52

1243 Berlin


Tel +49 30267-11086

Fax +49 30267119-11086

E-mail: stefan.riese@vattenfall.de

Potenza, electricity distribution and related services

Società Energetica Lucana SpA seeks renders for electricity distribution and related services. For further information contact:

Maurizio Campagna

Società Energetica Lucana SpA

Corso Umberto I°, 28

85100 Potenza


Tel +39 0971666767

Fax +39 0971666700

E-mail: maurizio.campagna@selspa.it

URL: http://www.societaenergeticalucana.it