Since the testing began, the well initially flowed gas at rates ranging and sometimes in excess of 13-15 MMcf/day over a continuous 32 hour period, including a brief test flow to the sales line at a choked back rate of 3.2 MMcf/day, after having gone through the separating equipment and whilst still cleaning up.

The operator then observed further drilling mud and formation debris including small sand like particles and some pebble sized particles unloading from the well and restricting the flow.

The well is currently shut in whilst the operator is assessing the particles to determine suitability for an acid treatment to assist in the well cleanup process or possibly the use of a coiled tubing unit or workover rig to drill out the blockage and restore the well to production and sales.

The operator advises that other wells in the region have experienced similar characteristics whilst initially cleaning up. It is expected that Empyrean will receive the forward clean-up plan within the next few days from the operator.

Empyrean is earning a 10% working interest in the Riverbend project.