The Farha South-3 well was drilled to appraise the Farha South oil discovery in February 2009 and March 2009 on Block 3. The Lower Al Bashir sandstone tested more than 754 bopd. The main objective of this additional test is to assess the productivity of a previously untested and potentially oil bearing reservoir encountered above the Lower Al Bashir. The Barik sandstone, had excellent oil shows when it was drilled, but it was neither logged nor tested at the time. Additional tests will also be performed on the Lower Al Bashir layer.

Based on data from previous operators, it is estimated that the Lower Al Bashir layer could contain some 8-10 million barrels of recoverable oil. Data obtained while drilling suggest that the Barik sandstone is considerably thicker than the Lower Al Bashir layer. If the testing of the Barik sandstone is successful, it could have an important impact on the reserve potential of the Farha South structure.

After work on the Farha South structure has been completed, the rig will move to test the heavy oil zones encountered in East Saiwan-2 on Block 4, drilled in May/June this year.

Tethys Oil has a 50% interest in the licenses covering Blocks 3 and 4. CCED holds the remaining 50%.