Ardlethan is the bigg est tin deposit in NSW and is recorded to have produced 25,000 tonnes of tin in concentrate from open cut and underground operations between 1964 and 1986.

Bygoo North has similar geology to Ardlethan and limited drilling has shown good poten tial for an economic tin deposit.

An initial program of 7 holes for around 800m is de signed to confirm historic drill intersections and extend the mineralisation by test ing along strike and at depth.

Historic drilling in 1977 intersected 46m @ 0.6% tin and 33m at 0.3% tin on one section, but follow up in 2008 did not effective ly test the northern and western continuations of the lode that is the focus of the current program.

The drilling at Bygoo is being undertaken by shareh older Australian Mineral & Waterwell Drilling Pty Ltd who have agreed to acce pt part payment for drilling services in shares at an issue price of 1.8c/share.