In 2010, substantial investment in airborne and ground based geophysical programs and over 30,000m of exploration drilling delivered significant success for Thundelarra, in both uranium and base metals.

Over 50,000m of RC, diamond and mud-rotary drilling are planned and the company has a expectation that this will result in the delineation of additional mineralization and an expansion of existing JORC Resources.

At the 60%-owned Red Bore project in Western Australia, a drilling program will test target horizons beneath the Red Bore gossan.

Field work has now also begun in the Ngalia Basin where last year Thundelarra identified an uranium bearing paleochannel system.

Every hole drilled into the system in 2010 intersected anomalous uranium mineralization, with assays of up to 1,798ppm U3O8 returned.

A Tempest airborne electromagnetic survey subsequently delineated approximately 400km of paleochannel within Thundelarra’s central Ngalia Basin tenure, of which less than 1% has been drill tested.

At the Hayes Creek project, deep diamond drilling will be employed to test for extensions to the Thunderball uranium resource.