Groundwater data can be collected in the Johnny Lee Deposit area with two 30-day pumping tests and one 24-hour test, which will provide further baseline data on rates of subsurface flow, groundwater levels and hydraulic connectivity regarding the aquifers.

As per the state for environmetal permitting requirements, this information will then be used to supply baseline data on water quality, which will later effectively evaluate water needs for future mining, apart from water protection requirements.

Tintina’s VP of exploration, Jerry Zieg affirmed: "We used very conservative assumptions based on expected groundwater pumping rates to estimate anticipated groundwater pumping rates.

"These assumptions have been incorporated into our exploration license amendment for the current pump tests. Since then, we have measured much lower sustainable pumping rates from our new test wells. These results indicate we will pump approximately 650,000 gallons during the upcoming tests.

DEQ board chairman Rick Van Nieuwenhuyse said, "These are important water tests for us to complete so that we can collect groundwater information required for submission of a mine operating permit application for Black Butte as well as provide data to ensure the state and the public that all environmental laws regarding water quality and quantity will be met.

"Tintina is convinced that our LAD design is sound, and the state, by permitting this pumping test is apparently confident that no infiltration or discharge to groundwater or surface water will occur."