The submission will allow BLM to prepare an environmental impact statement for the project, which is expected to be complete between 12 and 18 months.

Titan Uranium also presented the POO and the environmental baseline data to Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality; while a revision to its existing mine permit 381C will be submitted this month.

The revision includes redevelopment of the existing underground Sheep Mountain uranium mine, an open pit mine and operation of a proposed uranium heap leach and processing facility.

The facility is anticipated to produce two million pounds of yellowcake per year.

The company will also submit an application to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for a combined source material and byproduct material license to construct and operate the uranium recovery facility is planned for October, 2011.

The review and approval process for this license by NRC is anticipated to take approximately 24 months.

The project is anticipated to commence production at the facility by the end of 2013.