In the business sector (consisting of commercial, public, and medical use), volume totaled about 257.795million m3, down 3.6% from last year due to higher temperature in February and March from that of the previous year, which caused decrease in heating demand. The number of billing (meter reading) days was also fewer of that of the previous year.

In the industrial sector, volume totaled about 355.595 million m3, down 31.3% from last year because of the reduction in usage by existing customers.

Volume for wholesale supply to other gas companies totaled about 183.281 million m3, down 2.0% from last year due to decrease in the demand by those companies.

Fiscal year (FY2008) Gas Sales Volume

On a cumulative basis, the volume from April 2008 up to and including March 2009 totaled 13,588.612 million, a decrease of 3.3% from the same period of fiscal year 2007 (FY 2007). This is the first time in 31 years that the annual gas sales volume to drop from that of the previous year.

As for the residential sector, the temperature in the fist half was lower than that of the previous fiscal year which resulted in increases in volume. However, in the second half, when the gas demand is bigger, because of the higher temperature, the demand for heating and hot water decreased. These factors lead to a decrease in annual sales volume by 1.7% to 3,368.046 million.

As for the business sector, the air conditioning and heating demand decreased due to lower temperature in the first half and higher temperature in the second half. The resulted volume was 2,868.108 million.

In the industrial sector, because of reduced demand in the existing customers, the volume dropped by 5.6% to 5,279.64 million.

The wholesale sector increased by 0.7%, 2,072.819 million, due to new demand cultivation by the whole sale gas suppliers.