The Telen exploration block, located in the offshore Kutei Basin of the province of East Kalimantan, covering an area of 2,369 square kilometers with water depths in the range of 300 1,000 meters.
The Bengkulu I – Mentawai exploration block,located in the offshore Bengkulu Basin of the province of Bengkulu, in the South West of Sumatra, covering an area of 8,034 square kilometers with a water depth ranging from 400 to 1,000 meters.
The company will hold a 100% participating interest in each contracts.
Total Asia Pacific Exploration & Production senior vice president Jean-Marie Guillermou said, "Acquiring these offshore exploration blocks is part of our revitalized exploration strategy in Indonesia and we are very pleased to increase our activity in the country."
In the first three years, the exploration program will carry a 3D-seismic study on the Bengkulu I – Mentawai block and an exploration well to be drilled on the Telen block, the company said.