In response to the structural, permanent decline in petroleum product demand affecting the refining industry, operations at Flandres were halted in September 2009. The market is not expected to improve, which means that the scheduled five-year turnaround maintenance program cannot be performed in March 2010.

However, Total is guaranteeing each employee a job that is a fit with his or her competencies. Total said that its new activities will leverage the full spectrum of employee competencies and capabilities, in particular through the creation of a Refining Operations Technical Support Center for the group and a training school, which combined will maintain two-thirds of the current refinery jobs.

Total also commits to continue to be a major economic partner of the Dunkirk region, especially the port, through a potential interest in EDF’s planned LNG terminal. In addition, it will help to secure the future of local contractors and work with all regional stakeholders.

To continue the dialogue engaged with employee representatives, Total has proposed a schedule of meetings so that a decision can be reached by the end of June.