Total will also acquire an interest in Dunkerque LNG. The agreement is part of EDF’s global search for partners to reserve regasification capacity in the terminal. With regasification capacity of between 10 billion and 13 billion cubic meters per year, the terminal is expected to meet approximately 20% of French natural gas demand.

Dunkerque LNG will make the final investment decision in summer 2010, with a view to commissioning in 2014. The project remains subject to the necessary regulatory approvals, successful marketing and construction calls for tenders, the companies said.

Up to 1,200 people will work on the project during the construction phase. Terminal operation would create at least 50 direct jobs, along with an estimated 150 indirect jobs. The partners would provide expertise and personnel during the construction and operating phases.

An interest in the Dunkirk LNG terminal will allow Total to expand its portfolio of LNG regasification capacity reservations and consolidate its ability to supply markets in France and Europe.