The decision is a result of the 2013 Transmission Annual Planning Report, which concluded that the company can still maintain a reliable supply until 2020 or beyond, without the requirement for a new transmission line.

TransGrid Strategy and Stakeholder Engagement general manager Greg Garvin said the company is always willing to defer or cancel projects if circumstances suggest this is the most appropriate course.

”Furthermore, this decision will have no immediate impact on security of electricity supply and TransGrid’s planning processes will continually review forecasts to ensure we only provide infrastructure when it is needed and not before,” Garvin added.

”One of the key components of any project is easement acquisition and we are now seeking input from the community on how best to close this off.”

Urging feedback from the residents who are directly and indirectly affected across the region due to the construction and decision, the company is planning to hold a consultation on 22 November 2013.