Trina Solar has overtaken Yingli Green Energy as the world’s foremost producer of crystalline modules in 2014, responsible for 7.9% of global production according to business intelligence firm GlobalData.
The company’s latest findings show that global crystalline module production grew from 33 GW in 2013 to 44 GW in 2014 at an annual growth rate of 33.3%, with Trina Solar producing an estimated 3500 MW in the year.
The top five manufacturers alone accounted for more than one-third of overall production, which is along the same lines as 2013 estimates, according to GlobalData. Among the top five companies in 2013, Yingli and Sharp were the only two to go down in the 2014 rankings while JA Solar Holding is the only company to have entered the group of top five manufacturers in terms of module production. GlobalData estimates that its production in 2014 increased by more than 53% over the previous year to 2300 MW, equivalent to 5.2% of the market.