The assets to be acquired by Trustpower include the 58MW Hume hydro power station on the Murray River, the 27.2MW Burrinjuck hydro power station in South West NSW, the 7.2MW Keepit hydro power station, the 9.9MW Blayney wind farm and 80% of the 4.2MW Crockwell wind farm.

Trustpower expects the assets to perform well within its existing renewable energy portfolio while the transaction is scheduled to be completed before the end of July 2014.

The hydro and wind assets are expected to produce around 270GWh in average an year and in the first full year of Trustpower ownership will contribute around AUD8.5m ($8m) to Group EBITDAF.

Established by NSW Government in June 2013, Green State Power operates the State’s renewable assets, which were formerly owned by State-owned Eraring Energy.

In addition to managing energy generation in an environmentally responsible manner, Green State Power continually enhances its systems to promote positive outcomes for the environment and the community.