Tullow said that the Owo-1 well, located approximately 6km to the west of the Tweneboa wells, intersected a significant column of excellent quality light oil. The well encountered a gross vertical reservoir interval of 154mt containing 53mt of net oil pay in two zones of high quality stacked reservoir sandstones.

Pressure data indicates that these zones are part of the same accumulation and samples show that it is a light oil of between 33 and 36 degrees API. Following completion of logging operations, the well will be sidetracked 0.6km east to provide additional information on lateral reservoir distribution and to intersect a deeper part of the Owo channel system.

The Sedco-702 positioned semi-submersible drilled Owo-1 to a final depth of 3,891mt in water depths of 1,428mt. On completion of operations on the Owo-1 sidetrack, the rig will remain in the Deepwater Tano block to drill the Onyina-1 exploration well, which targets a large fan/channel system between the Tweneboa and Jubilee fields. Tullow holds a 49.95% interest in the Deepwater Tano license and is its operator.