power transmission

The project includes development of new substation and power line in order to provide additional power supply for Plateau Electric Cooperative’s service area to support future increased loads, reduce outages and improve backup power supply.

The Rugby Substation will be connected to the Livingston-Huntsville 161kV transmission line while the 7.25 miles of power line will be developed from the new Rugby Substation to Plateau Electric’s existing Sunbright Substation.

Expected to have minimum impact on the area, based on public input from an open house in April 2014, the selected route is due to undergo a National Environmental Policy Act review.

TVA is expected to begin surveys this spring and start acquiring easements in spring 2016. Construction on the substation is planned to commence in spring 2017.

The power line construction is scheduled to commence in summer 2017, with the project due to be completed by fall 2018.

Image: The Tennessee Valley Authority plans to build transmission project to reduce power outages. Photo: courtesy of duron123/Freedigitalphotos.net.