The terms of the contract, that concluded for the period from 2012 to 2017, provide for the supply of the first two primary circuits and five recharge sets of fuel assembly for each of the power units.

The company said that units of the Slovak NPP are to be supplied with advanced fuel with higher than average enrichment providing more benefit as a result of better burn-up fraction and more economic fuel makeup.

In addition, the Russian party offers a complete package of associated services and options within the contract, for the further transition of the power units to higher thermal power.

The company said that the contract can be seen as an extension of the continuous and mutually beneficial collaboration of Russian and Slovak parties in providing the active power units with Russian fuel. The regular supply of safe fuel was the main reason in favor of extending the partnership.

Russia and Slovakia have the potential and opportunities for deepening and extending the partnership, in this as well as new projects. Reforms which have been introduced in the Russian nuclear industry with the view to organizing Tvel into a fuel company, offer new advantages to foreign partners.