Thirteen companies include Tesco, John Lewis Partnership, Robert Wiseman Dairies and BOC Group are participants in the program that seeks to encourage UK road haulage operators to use low carbon commercial vehicles.

The UK government has announced a £11m support for operators complying with the program.

UK Freight Minister Mike Penning outlined the broad objectives of the program as reduction of carbon dioxide emissions while improving confidence in low carbon trucks for the long term.

"For example, operators often cite lack of gas refuelling infrastructure as a barrier to the take up of alternatives to diesel. "

"These trials include £2.4 million funding for publicly accessible gas stations which will encourage investment in low carbon trucks, and other vehicles, delivering long term benefits for the environment and reduced costs for operators," said Penning.

Technology Strategy Board chief executive officer Iain Gray added, "It will help to accelerate a wider understanding and acceptance of low carbon vehicle technologies, while enabling the development of alternative fuel infrastructures."

Ascott Transport, Brit European Transport , CNG Services, G-Volution, Howard Tenens Associates, J.B. Wheaton and Sons Ltd, , T Baden Hardstaff, and United Biscuits are the other participants in the program.