The agreement is expected to come into force beginning 2020 and will involve wide-ranging negotiations to be undertaken to arrive at the final draft of guidelines.

In the interim period between now and 2020, the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol kicks in and the new guidelines will be further developments on this.

The European Union will continue to works towards deploying €7.2bn to combat climate change and the convention in Doha envisages a further $100bn per annum for developing countries to be made available by 2020.

To be mopped up from public, private and alternative sources the funding will call for developing countries, in exchange, take concrete steps to reduce carbon emissions.

Commenting on the convention UK Department of Energy and Climate Change said, "Overall, the Doha conference represents a useful step forward.

"It has re-affirmed the commitment to a 2015 global agreement, given space and a process for focus on raising shorter term ambition, and preserved the Kyoto Protocol and a wider rules based system that will help form the foundations of the new agreement."