The program has been launched in association with Cameco, the Queen’s Facility for Isotope Research (QFIR), and Environmental BioTechnologies (EBT). It is aimed at advancing the company’s remote sensing geochemical technology.

The survey managed by Uravan’s technical group is expected to be completed in June 2013. A sampling grid comprises 491 survey stations with each primary sampling grid covering a 600 x 950 meter area centered over the surface projection of the Centennial deposit.

The mine 230 sample stations spread on an offset 50 meter grid, while additional 261 survey stations are distributed over 100m, 200m and 500m space extending farther into background away from the deposit.

Commenting on the new survey, Uravan CEO Larry Lahusen stated that the program was undertaken on the back of potential results from the company’s 2011 and 2012 drill programs.

"The sampling methodology and analytical protocols that will be carried out during the Centennial Survey are designed to potentially identify the geochemical signals in the soils and trees-cores that are related to the Centennial uranium deposit below versus the geochemical signature inherent from the surface media," added Lahusen.