The contractor will rehabilitate the gate operating mechanisms, sealing apparatus and protective coatings, and perform other work necessary to rehabilitate the dam’s 10 radial gates.

‘Like any piece of mechanical equipment, the radial gates at Headrock are showing the ‘wear and tear’ of years of operation,’ said Commissioner of Reclamation Robert Johnson. ‘This rehabilitation programme will repair this ‘wear and tear,’ and ensure the gates continue to function safely and efficiently for many more years.’

Headgate Rock dam is located on the Colorado river approximately 1.6km northeast of Parker, Arizona. Constructed by USBR for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the dam diverts Colorado river water onto Colorado River Indian Tribe (CRIT) lands near Parker. It also has a small hydro plant that provides electrical energy to the CRIT.

Work on the dam is scheduled to begin this month and is due to be completed by April 2009.