The program announced by US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry will help cost-shared research and development projects working on the development of carbon capture technologies.

Selected projects will be supported under the DOE’s Office Of Fossil Energy (FE), the Design and Testing of Advanced Carbon Capture Technologies funding opportunity announcement (FOA).

DOE stated that it is exploring transformational, low-cost technology solutions as part of its attempt to bring down energy and capital cost associated with 2nd Generation carbon capture systems. The federal agency hopes that the solutions would enable competitive operation of fossil-based power generation infrastructure in a low-carbon future. 

Secretary Perry said: “Carbon capture technologies are one of the most effective ways we can continue to leverage the sustainability of our Nation’s fossil fuel resources while advancing environmental stewardship.

“This funding opportunity will provide for further innovation on methods for capturing carbon emissions for storage and other utilization efforts, as well as underscore this Administration’s commitment to both environmental and economic security.”

The DOE has kept four awards which will have a combined funding of up to $30m. It will be for projects which will use already available host site Infrastructure to deliver scaling of carbon capture technologies to engineering scales.

Additionally, the DOE will reserve up to two awards with a combined funding for up to $6m. These will be for companies that can come up with an initial design of a commercial-scale, post-combustion CO2 capture system which can be applied at an existing coal-fired power plant.