
Obama administration has reversed its proposal announced in January 2015 as part of five-year plan.

The US Interior department said that the proposed plan for nation’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas leasing program for 2017-2022 continues balanced approach to leasing.

In particular, the proposed program assesses 13 potential lease sales in six planning areas, which include the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska and excludes lease sales in the mid- and South Atlantic Program Area.

Natural Resources Defense Council president Rhea Suh said: "By dropping the Atlantic from oil and gas leasing, the administration is standing up to big oil and protecting our coastal communities that rightly fear a BP-style disaster."

The proposed program includes ten potential lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and one potential lease sale each in the Chukchi Sea, Beaufort Sea, and Cook Inlet planning areas.

US Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said: "This is a balanced proposal that protects sensitive resources and supports safe and responsible development of the nation’s domestic energy resources to create jobs and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

"The proposal focuses potential lease sales in areas with the highest resource potential, greatest industry interest, and established infrastructure."

Image: The new plan includes ten potential oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico. Photo: courtesy of num_skyman/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net.