The designation will enable SNMREC to undertake research and development of technologies to generate renewable energy from ocean currents and ocean thermal energy using DOE funds.

The SNMREC will work in collaboration with industry partners to investigate, fabricate and test new water power technologies to harness the ocean’s energy potential by deploying ocean current observation systems, establishing research on environmental baselines to determine the level of potential effects, and initiating the fabrication of support structures for ocean energy devices.

The center will also conduct a full-scale field testing of prototype devices for the development of new ocean energy systems. FAU will supervise the development of technologies capable of generating electricity from the ocean energy resources in the Florida Straits and the Gulf Stream.

Mary Saunders, president of FAU, said: “This is a very proud day for our University, our state and the nation. This prestigious, national designation of our Center for Ocean Energy Technology is a testimony to the expertise of our researchers and staff and their commitment to provide a viable source of clean, renewable energy for Florida citizens and beyond.”