The system is mounted on the rooftop of their new sustainable flooring plant in Dalton, which began production of unique and sustainable flooring products in late 2008.

The completed system generates enough electricity to power four Georgia homes. When the next two phases are installed, the total output of the system will exceed 94 kW, powering a significant portion of the building’s electrical requirements.

Solar technology is readily available to businesses in Georgia and the Southeast. US Floors has demonstrated their commitment to all aspects of sustainability by their choice of product and decision to use solar energy on site.

“We are very pleased to increase our manufacturing capacity in Georgia. This new solar electric power system is an excellent way for us to save money and decrease our impact on the environment, while we produce high quality, sustainably grown cork and bamboo flooring products” says Piet Dossche, chief executive officer of US Floors.

“Solar power in Georgia provides a great opportunity for manufacturers like US Floors to hedge against increasing power costs, while improving the environment and becoming energy independent. We are very pleased to work with US Floors Inc., a recognized leader in sustainable flooring products,” said William Silva, operations director of United Renewable Energy.