Valmet has won a €150 million order for the delivery of a biomass-fired boiler and related biofuel storage and conveyor systems for the Amagervaeket heat and power plant in Copenhagen.

Owned by HOFOR Energiproduktion A/S, the new biomass plant will provide heat and power to Copenhagen and will also help fulfil the city’s objective of becoming the world’s first CO2-neutral capital by 2025.

The new plant will replace an existing 600 MW coal-fired power plant, operations at which will cease in 2019 when the new plant is commissioned. Valmet will supply a 500 MW CYMIC CFB boiler with a district heat capacity of 415 MJ/s.

The boiler will use a total of 1.2 million tons of sustainable wood chips per year. Valmet will also deliver a 105 000 cubic metre biofuel storage and conveyor system that will feed the boiler with 900 cubic metres of wood chips per hour.