Ruari Lean, Vattenfall’s Project Manager for Norfolk Vanguard, said: “Thanks to feedback from communities in Norfolk and environmental specialists we have been able to further refine search areas for the onshore electrical infrastructure. I would like to thank everyone we have spoken to for their contributions and patience as we carefully move towards the selection of final locations.
“The search areas have been chosen because we believe they offer the best opportunity to minimise impact – not least our early decision to lay underground the 60km transmission cables,” added Ruari.
The maps are online and are also in a newsletter sent today to over 35,000 residents in North Norfolk, Broadland and Breckland. Key points include:
Landfall for the transmission cable running from the wind farms, will be south of Happisburgh, as it avoids a Marine Conservation Zone and there is enough space at the landfall to accommodate the transmission cables from both projects
Two search areas for cable relay stations (CRS), if Vattenfall opts for High Voltage AC (HVAC) cables, west of Happisburgh, for co-location of onshore infrastructure. The sites enable relative seclusion, co-location of both, good access, opportunities to minimise visual impact through topography and screening
A search area for a substation to the north east of Necton village and to the east of existing infrastructure. This area offers relative seclusion, maximises distances from housing whilst maintaining proximity to National Grid, and opportunities to minimise visual impact through topography and screening
60km underground cable route search area from landfall to Necton shows local refinements
Norfolk Vanguard and Norfolk Boreas will deliver on average enough fossil-fuel free electricity every year to meet the needs of almost 50% of the East of England. Ruari concluded: “The infrastructure is needed to put Norfolk Vanguard’s and Norfolk Boreas’s fossil-fuel free, home grown electricity onto the National Grid. Getting the go ahead will trigger significant jobs opportunities in Norfolk and support action on climate change.”
Vattenfall will continue to engage with stakeholders and residents throughout the summer. In the autumn the energy company will hold drop-in sessions which will show Norfolk Vanguard’s final proposed design – on and offshore – and the assessment by independent specialists of its environmental impact.