The program consisted of 65 diamond drill holes totaling 12,316.8mt that tested four of the uranium prospects on the property. A total of 3,499 samples including standards and blanks were submitted for assay during the campaign.

The drill program was designed to test for continuity and grade of uranium mineralization within a near surface, sub-horizontal, 30mt to 80mt thick horizon (B Level) of rhyolitic pyroclastics hosting fracture-filling and disseminated autunite and torbernite.

A similar but generally thinner and less continuous horizon (A Level) occurs approximately 50mt higher stratigraphically. A preliminary NI 43-101 compliant resource will be calculated for the Tantamaco zone during the third quarter of 2010 based on the recent drilling and the 31 holes totaling 6,670mt drilled during the first campaign in 2007/ 08.

The Tantamaco drilling program consisted of 45 holes totaling 9241.4mt and covered an area of approximately 900mt by 600mt. The second drill campaign proved the continuity of the mineralization to the south and west and indicated an improvement in thickness and grade in this direction.

More importantly, holes TA-2010-074 and TA-2010-079 in the southwest corner of the drill grid showed a marked increase in disseminated uranium mineralization over considerable core lengths. Drill holes TA-2010-084 and TA-2010-085 were added to the drill plan in order to increase the data in this area prior to laying out the next drill program.

Scout drilling was successful in identifying an area of shallow uranium mineralization at the Isivilla prospect that will be followed up in the next drill campaign.