As a part of the project, the company will make design upgrades to the Quinnesec mill’s existing combination boiler, which burns biomass from waste wood sources, add a new biomass handling system, and install of a new turbine generator supplied by Siemens.
Verso is partnering with Amec Engineering to begin detailed design for the project, the work on which is estimated to start up by December 2011.
Verso has also partnered with the Michigan Governor’s Office, the Michigan Economic Development, Dickinson County and Breitung Township, who are working towards the implementation of the project.
This state-wide partnership is expected to result in the designation of a Forest Products Processing Renaissance Zone, which will allow a company within the zone to operate free of virtually all state and local taxes over the life of the designation.
Mike Jackson, president and CEO of Verso, said: “The implementation of the Quinnesec renewable energy project is in alignment with Verso’s three-pronged energy strategy, which is to reduce overall energy consumption, generate more green energy from renewable biomass and reduce our carbon footprint, all while reducing costs.”