Hole WAT10-103 was collared 10m south of hole WAT 10-093 (2m grading 1.12% U308), and more importantly intersected a much wider 17m (191m-208m) of variable radioactive mineralization at the unconformity, including 2.24m (193.26m-195.5m) of ‘off-scale’ (cps >9,999) radioactivity.

To date, two vertical step-out holes targeting the J-Zone, WAT10-098A and WAT10-099 have extended the mineralized boundary to the north of the previously known mineralization delineated during the winter 2010 drilling program, while hole WAT10-103 has now further extended mineralization on trend to the west. Drilling is continuing.

The J-East Zone, located east of the main J-Zone discovery, near Fission’s property boundary, continues to develop as a new area of interest in which two drill holes, WAT10-100 and WAT10-102 were recently completed.

Hole WAT10-102, drilled 90m to the east of the J-Zone, identified a 17m wide intersection of moderately to locally strong radioactivity in strongly hematite/limonite altered pelitic basement rocks (220m to 237m).

Hole WAT10-100 intersected a 10.5m zone of weak anomalous radioactivity in the basement rocks (292.5m-303m) within weak graphitic and moderately altered pelite.

This finding suggests further potential for basement type mineralization at the J-Zone East, in contrast to the main J-Zone discovery, which continues to demonstrate mineralization focused at the unconformity.

Finally, hole WAT10-101B, a follow-up angled hole to WAT10-097, was drilled for structural and geologic information purposes whose primary purpose is to help define the geology and fault structures, to the north of the J-Zone and at the western extent of known mineralization within the prospective 3km long East-West Corridor.